I will have a new nugget up this weekend…

There, I made a promise (barring my computer blowing up or something equally radical).  That should force me to actually get some writing done.  Yeesh.

  • Mr. Rational

    Where’s my Beggian goodness?!

  • Rock Baker

    Hmmm. You sure this isn’t a joke of some sort?

  • BeckoningChasm

    “Nugget up” sounds like something a superhero would yell before unleashing his power. Or a strength enhancer from a video game. “Hey Mario, jump on that and nugget up!”

  • Mr. Rational

    Nugget Up 20X6!

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Maybe Nugget is a Pokemon and he’s levelling up? “Nugget reached level three!”

    Anyway, I’m sad that my last Fest-cap is finally going off the front page. It has tickled me to see it there these past few months.